Creative Dramatics Summer Camp


August 13th to 16th, 2024

Unlock your child’s creative potential through creative writing, drama, dance and performance at our Creative Dramatics Summer Camp. Taking place in July and August, our camps are suitable for kids aged 5 to 7 and 8 to 12 years.

Each day of our camp will feature an aspect of creativity from storytelling to performance. Participants will also be taken on an exploration trail through Kerry Writers’ Museum.

Day 1 – Story Creation

We will help you create a story using your imagination. For example, you can be the superhero saving the world or you can be the ringleader at the circus. The skies the limit!

Day 2 – Prop Making

From the story you have created we will help you make props which will be the setting for your performance. For instance, from ordinary objects you can create castles and skyscrapers!

Day 3 – Roles and Rehearsals

Okay, now it is time to bring your story to life. We will teach you how to bring your work to the stage. You will learn how to create and perform your story’s characters and scenes.

Day 4 – Performance

Now that all the hard work is done, you will perform your story in front of family and friends. Don’t be scared, we will be on hand should you forget your lines!

Our Creative Dramatics Summer Camp is your first step to stardom!

🎫 Camp Fee – €80 per child. Sibling discounts available. Places are limited so advanced booking is required.

Our August camp is for children aged 5 to 7 years and runs daily from 10 am to 1 pm.

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